Top 10 Public Winter proposal ideas

Winter and the holiday season is always peak engagement time! From the frosty nights, chilly days, snuggling, cozy fires, hot cocoa, and crisp white snow - even those who hate the freezing temps marvel at the stunning natural beauty you'll find all around. The holiday spirit fills the air, and everyone looks forward to the giving season! This can make for the perfect time to finally pop the question!
Here are some cute and creative ways for you to ask your s.o. to become your newly betrothed during this holiday season! Please keep in mind whether your soon to be is more of a public or private individual on how you determine to pull off your proposal!
For those who love the limelight here are some of the best ideas we've heard of for a public proposal:
1. during the annual Christmas party at your s.o's work - get co-workers to help and be in on the surprise... everyone typically have a secret santa gift to exchange... have your so be the last to receive their gift - and when it's their turn to open - come out from hiding with an ugly sweater and bow on - carrying your ring box
2. ask your local dept store or mall where pictures with Santa are held if you can step in for a 15 minute interval (allow the other Santa a break time and you the chance to propose!) and you take over while your S.O. is in the mall shopping with friends. Be sure the accomplices have your true love back to the photo area when you take over the shift - and have them convince your s.o. to do a picture on Santa's lap.... While on your lap of course ask for their holiday wish, but then tell them yours and pull out the special surprise ring box! All while being captured in photos!
3. send your s.o. on a treasure hunt! These are always tons of fun! Send to multiple locations for present pick ups - have presents waiting at each stop - massage, nails, hair/makeup, dress shop, shoes, etc - then of course her last stop at the jewelry store where you'll be waiting with the ring... have reservations for your celebratory dinner following to show off all the new bling!
4. go to one of your favorite local public places - whether it be where you first met, your first date, first movie, first kiss, or just a place you both love to be at - ask a passerby to take your picture for the two of you, and when they do get down on your knee to propose! This way it's captured and spontaneous for all others!
5. many small villages have annual caroling throughout the communities. Find out who is in charge of organizing and set a time and place with them on route where you will happen to come along, allowing them to sing a special song and flip over their music sheets to display your proposal on paper!
6. Go on a wine or craft brew tasting trail - and have arrangements made for the last stop to have special bottles they will have just for you... personalized labels on the bottles which will ask the big question brought to you for sampling.
7. Work with your local town for the annual tree lighting ceremony... have them pull a "random" onlooker to do the honors of turning on the lights... when going up in front of everyone - ask if you can "bring your s.o." and when you get in front of the crowd - propose and then have your fiance light the tree for the entire village!
8. make arrangements with a local greenhouse for a late night rendezvous ...
show up just as the place is closing to pick up pointsettias for a gift for someone - and have the staff tell you where the best ones are - go into the greenhouse where your questions is written out in pointsettias and a private catered table for two is waiting for you to celebrate!
9. go to a local Christmas tree farm where they are hosting horse drawn sleigh rides... arrive a little "late" but already having made previous arrangements with the driver - you'll be the last ride of the night so you'll be privately driven ... This will give you the perfect chance to pop the question
10. NY Eve party countdowns are always a perfect way to "ring" in the new year! Host a party complete with balloons drops - but have family/friends all in attendance and aware of the surprise and as the countdown is happening propose - so all attendants can capture on video /photo and then celebrate with you to bring in the new year.